August 26

MSSQL: Restoring a DB

MSSQL Restoring a DB


Sometimes this requires setting the DB into Single User mode.
Open SQL Query Analyzer

Single User: alter database db-name set SINGLE_USER
Multi User: alter database db-name set MULTI_USER

If the database will not restore do to someone being in it.
Goto Management – Current Activity – Process Info
Sort by BD name
Highlite the user that is locking you out – Right click and Kill Process

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Posted August 26, 2011 by Timothy Conrad in category "Databases

About the Author

If I were to describe myself with one word it would be, creative. I am interested in almost everything which keeps me rather busy. Here you will find some of my technical musings. Securely email me using - PGP: 4CB8 91EB 0C0A A530 3BE9 6D76 B076 96F1 6135 0A1B